Saturday, February 19, 2022

Be hopeful

1.    And why we hopeful, since something in our inner power insists us to be positive and really this is good for us. 

2.    When are happy, it means that we are in pleasant enviornment. 

3.     What is happening, sometimes it may be good and sometimes bad but good is generally for more time than bad, if we are aware in our present you can control or avoid the bad situations and can learn, how we can happy in our future. So be careful in your present, instead to worry about your past and future. 

4.     This moment is beautiful, enjoy it, either you are doing something or not, this life is for happiness. 

5.     Where you are, be happy. 

6.     Sometimes think, sometimes not think at all. When you thinking, you creative and when you are not thinking, you are in peace, creativity and peace, both are important for life. 

7.     If we can kill the egos of our inner, then our life can be beautiful. 

8.    Indeed love to God and it's creations is the real love. 

9.    Life is always not for worrying but is for being happy. 

10.  Your inner is the main room of your happiness, sometimes enter in yourself. 

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हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा

हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है सबका,  तेरा सबसे है रिश्ता,  तेरा जग से है रिश्ता,  हे गोविंद, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है, सबका  l तेरा तो ...