Sunday, February 6, 2022

Great things, happens when you think great

1.     Great things happens, when you think great. Think big and your small efforts gives you big achievements. 

2.     If you have courage, no one can stop you to reach at your goal. 

3.    Start now, what you want, future is yours. 

4.    Think good and forgot what will be happen. 

5.    Huminity is the religion of everyone, no one here inferior or superior, kindness in heart makes the life beautiful.  

6.     We are one, created by one God as a man. There should be no discrimination between people of world. 

7.     Peaceful life is always beautiful life. 

8.     Now it is time to start something new, new thoughts, new ideas and work on your dreams. 

9.     One day, I will have nothing in my mind, what I had earned, I will remember only one, or I will forget everything. 

10.   Life gives you everything, and we should be careful about life, since life is so precious. 

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हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा

हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है सबका,  तेरा सबसे है रिश्ता,  तेरा जग से है रिश्ता,  हे गोविंद, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है, सबका  l तेरा तो ...