Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Hopes always strengthen us, 
Hopes never weak us, 
When we are hopeful, 
Situations changes, 
When we are hopeful, 
Our Mind changes, 
When we are hopeful, 
Our Heart changes, 
When we are hopeful
Our Life changes, 
When we are hopeful, 
World changes. 

Hopes are the best, 
Which makes us positive, 
Hopes makes us happier, 
Hopes makes the life easy, 
Hopes makes the life beautiful,
Hope is like a light, 
That enlighten our mind, 
When we are hopeful, 
Things changes. 

Now look at your goal, 
Now think for your goal, 
Now do for your goal, 
Hopes changes us, 
When I say, I will do this, 
And this will happen, 
It is the hope that 
Inspire me to do more and
Bring me towards my aim, 
Due to hopes my life changes and 

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हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा

हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है सबका,  तेरा सबसे है रिश्ता,  तेरा जग से है रिश्ता,  हे गोविंद, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है, सबका  l तेरा तो ...