Friday, June 7, 2024

What do you think about the world

What do you think about the world, 
Are you comfortable here, 
Is the world is making you happy, 
When you are in the crowd, 
Are you like it or not, 
When you see the people,
Are you happy to see them, 
What are your feelings about the world. 

Is the world home of happiness, 
Is the world, world of happiness, 
Ate you getting, what you need here, 
Are you doing, what you want to do here, 
Is the world, with you or your are alone. 

We came in this world, for a purpose, 
Or we are here, without any purpose, 
The world is the place of journey, 
World is the place of enjoyment, 
Are you happy in this world. 

Thank you. 

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