Monday, June 17, 2024

When you have positive mind

When you have positive mind, things are possible for you, you can easily handle the problems and any difficult task can be completed without failure. Sometimes, path of life are hard, it means not that you leave your patience. If you are hopeful for the best, you will see that things are going according as you wish. Sometimes, situations are not in your favour that time also do your best. 

Thank you. 

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मुश्किलें सब हट जाए

मुश्किलें सब हट जाए,  जिंदगी सब खुशियाँ पाए,  बदल जाए, किस्मत की लकीरें, मिट जाए, चिंता की लकीरें, आरजू सबकी पूरी हो जाए  l  सारा जहान,  जिस...