I am with you

God says, I am with you, 
Always with you, 
My support is always to you, 
I will do your best, 
Don't worry, I care for you. 

Assume, if God talks to you, 
And says that I never forget you, 
Why are you forgetting me, 
I have never Ignored you, 
Why are you ignore me, 
My blessings are always with you. 

If you See, everyone and 
Everything has been created by God, 
This Earth, sky, sun, moon, water, Air, 
Fire, Mountains, oceans, world, universe, 
Everything, visible and invisible powers
Created by God, 
All are His creations, 
Nothing is left which is not His creation, 
He is everywhere an in all, 
He is in our inner and outer, 
He is our near and far away, 
But He is always with us, 
Jist feel Him and His blessings. 

Thank You. 


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