What is the Great job

What is the Great job, 
Thinking good for others, 
Doing good for others, 
Create facilities for others, 
Making things for others, 
Spread knowledge for others, 
Keeping kind heart for others, 
Doing pray for others, 
Looking good in others, 
Are the Great job in the world. 

Doing is good, thinking is good, 
Making is good, creating is good, 
But are we Doing all for ourself only, 
Are we creating happiness in the world, 
Are we creating Peace in the world, 
Are we spreading love in the universe, 
Are we earning for others, 
Are we selfish or kind, 
Are we doing for Great life. 

Everyday is a Special day, 
Everyone is the Special person, 
No one is ignorable, 
Everyone is lovable here, 
Nothing is permanent here, 
Everything and everyone is temporary, 
So why we creating problems for life, 
We Must to do good think good and 
Do Great job in the world. 

Thank you. 


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