Monday, May 29, 2023

हे भगवान् बसो मेरे मन में

हे भगवान् बसो मेरे मन में, 
हे घनश्याम बसो मेरे मन में, 
तुम ही हो प्रमेश्वर् मालिक, 
तुम ही सारे जहान के मालिक, 
दीनानाथ बसो मेरे मन में  l

पारबरहम सब जगत के मालिक, 
सर्वेश्वर् सब विश्व के मालिक, 
सब के अंदर बसने वाले, 
सब के बाहर रहने वाले, 
सीताराम बसो मेरे मन को l

तेरी दया अनुपमा भगवन, 
तेरी कृपा है सबपे भगवन, 
तेरे रूप अनेकों भगवन, 
तेरा स्वरूप एक हे भगवान्, 
राधेश्याम बसो मेरे मन में  l

तेरे ही गुण नित्य नित्य गाउँ, 
तेरे आगे शीश झुकाऊँ, 
तेरी लीलाओं का अंत नही है, 
नित्य नित्य तेरी महिमा गाउँ, 
हे सुख़वान मेरे मन में  l


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

You are doing well

What are you doing, 
You are doing well, 
What are you thinking, 
You are thinking well, 
Nothing is problematic, 
Problem in your mind, 
Which stops you, 
Where you are going, 
You are going well. 

Everyday we need good thoughts, 
Everyday we need peaceful life, 
Everyday we should do better, 
Everyday we should think better, 
What we are making, 
We are making well. 

The life is practical, 
Every moment we are active, 
The life is theoretical, 
Every moment we are in imaginations, 
Every moment we are in feelings, 
What we are creating, 
We are creating well. 


Thank You God for everything

Thank You God for everything, 
Thank You God for giving me everything, 
You are the creator of this world, 
You are the creator of the life, 
You are the maker of everything, 
You are the destroyer of everything, 
Thank You God for bringing Happiness in my life. 

You know everything, 
You know everyone, 
You are in everyone, 
You are in the universe, 
Nothing is empty from you, 
You are everywhere, 
Thank You God for creating faith in me. 

You are the Soul, 
You are in the body, 
You are the light, 
You are the sound, 
You are in nature, 
You are in sun, 
You are in moon, 
You are in fire,
You are in air, 
You are in earth, 
You are in sky, 
Thank You God for doing everything. 


The World is yours

Why are you worried,
The World is yours,
If you have changed yourself,
You  have changed the world,
Hopes makes the life beautiful,
Hopes makes the world beautiful,
If you have good thoughts,
You have a good life.

If we have life power,
We can do something and do better,
If we have beautiful thoughts,
We can make the life beautiful,
If we want to do something,
We can do good for others,
There is a need to make the world happy.

Your ideas are never weak,
Every single though can make the life beautiful,
Miracles happens every day and every moment,
Are you ready to see the miracles,
Happiness is in you and near you, 
Are you making the life happy. 


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Life is simple

Life is simple, just enjoy it, 
Life is beautiful, just see it, 
Life is filled with surprise, 
Life is filled with joy & happiness, 
Just live it. 

Sometimes some problem comes in life, 
Sometimes some worries comes in life, 
But all are solvable, 
Nothing is bigger than your courage, 
Nothing is bigger than your confidence, 
Life is a gift from God, 
Just appreciate it. 

When your mind is strong, 
You are strong, 
When your heart is filled with love & peace, 
You are marvelous. 


Monday, May 15, 2023

जरा सोचो चिंता क्यों नही होती है

जरा सोचो चिंता क्यों नही होती है, 
क्योकि आप हर पल खुश रहना जानते हैं, 
आप उदास क्यों नही है, 
क्योकि आप दूसरों से आशा कम रखते हैं, 
चाहे आपके पास कुछ कम भी हो, 
लेकिन आप खुश रहना जानते हैं  l

दूसरों के सुख दुख में अगर शामिल होते हैं, 
तो खुशियाँ दूगनी हो जाती है, 
जिंदगी भार नही अपितु उपहार नजर आनी चाहिए, 
कुछ मुश्किलें हो चाहे जीवन में, 
मगर जिंदगी आगे बढ़ती रहनी चाहिए, 
मंजिल दूर हो चाहे उसे पाने का हौसला रखते हैं l

बेवजह की बातों में खुद को उलझाने से बचते है, 
बेवजह की चिंता को मन में लाने से बचते है, 
जो मिला उसमें खुशी है, जो नही मिला उसका गम नही, 
जहाँ रहे वहाँ खुश रहे हैं,
किसी की खातिर करने में खुशी मिली है, 
जिंदगी ख्वाब भी है, हकीकत भी, 
बेवजह खुश रहना जानते है  l

जो दूसरों के चेहरों पे मुस्कुराहट लाते हैं, 
जो औरों को अपना समझते हैं, 
जिनके दिल में किसी के लिए वैर नही है, 
जिनकी सीने में औरों के लिए प्रीत बसी है, 
वे तो सारे जहान को अपना मानते हैं  l


Thank You God, I am alive

Thank You God, I am alive,
Today I feel your blessings,
Today I feel your powers,
Thank You God for giving me everything.

You are my dearest,
You are in my heart,
You speaks in me,
You live in me,
Thank You God for creating beautiful world.

Nothing can go good without your wish,
The world can't be happy without your happiness,
You are doing all well,
You are making all beautiful,
Thank You God for making my life beautiful.


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happiness should be in our mind

Happiness should be in our mind, 
Smiles should be on our lips, 
Love should be in our heart, 
Peace should be on  our face. 

The day we got today is a beautiful gift, 
The moment we got today is surprise, 
We have the life is beautiful, 
We have the body is wonderful, 
Joy should be in our behavior. 

When we met to someone, meet by heart, 
When we do something, do by heart, 
When we talk to someone, talk by heart, 
When we laugh with someone, laugh by heart, 
Goodness should be in our heart. 


Friday, May 12, 2023

Let's start what is important

        Let's start what is important, sometimes lot of work are in front of us and we are not able to decide that what is important for us. We have to make a list of priorities. Sometimes we have new jobs, hard job, lengthy jobs, small jobs, easy jobs or important jobs. 

         Sometimes looks that all jobs are important for us, but we have start something immediately to complete the jobs. It depends on us that what we want to start and what we can complete easily. We can choose important jobs immediately first that can be completed in a little time. If the jobs are lengthy we can start and give a break and can do other jobs, after that we can  complete the job. 

       It is very necessary to decide our priorities regarding job start and it's completion. We can't leave the jobs hanging in between. There is some target time for completion of any job. However everyone doing job perfectly and as per wisdom. Enjoy every moment of your and enjoy every work which we are doing. It is the better way to get our happiness for long time. 

Have a great day, good morning🥱



Thursday, May 11, 2023

I will try my best

I will try my best, 
I will do my best, 
What result comes, 
I don't care, 
I will start up my best. 

I have mind to think the best, 
I have hands to do the best, 
I have eyes to see the best, 
I have ears to listen the best, 
I have nose for breathing the best, 
I have tongue to taste the best, 
I have mouth to eat the best, 
I have heart to love the best, 
I will carry myself for the best. 

Today I have to do the best, 
Today I have to create the best, 
Today I have to make the best, 
Today I have to wake up for the best, 
Today I will love the best. 


Forget what others think about you

Forget what others think about you, 
You are special person in this world, 
God had gifted you all special things in your life, 
God had created all special things for you, 
God has bring all happiness in your life, 
Do whatever you want to do. 

The earth is for you, 
The sky is for you, 
The sun is for you, 
The moon is for you, 
The stars are for your joy, 
The air is for you, 
The water is for you, 
The life is your own world, 
Get what you want to get. 

You are lucky a person, 
You are God's loving, 
You have the brightest future, 
You have the beautiful nature, 
Get your beauty in you. 

Just be happy what you have, 
Just forget what you have not, 
Life is a hope, life is a miracle, 
Life is a journey, life is a passion, 
Make your life always beautiful. 


Get your Happiness !

Get your Happiness ! 
Leave all worries, 
Live today, 
Love today, 
Love yourself, 
Care friends, 
Love friends, 
Fill mind with happiness, 
Fill heart with love, 
Leave egos, 
Leave anger, 
Less expect, 
Accept present, 
Open mind, 
Open heart, 
Beautiful words, 
Beautiful thoughts, 
Forget past, 
Do what you want to do, 
Speak less, 
Listen less, 
Don't involve yourself in unnecessary issues, 
Love nature, 
Live with nature, 
Caring habits, 
Daring habits, 
Away from negativity, 
Busy in creativity, 
Love music, 
Relax mood, 
Silent mode, 
Long breaths, 
Breathing excercise, 
Physical excercise, 
Have a good day😊


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Hopes never die

People may die, 
But hopes never die, 
Mind always active, 
It carries the memories with him, 
Mind is man which is so powerful, 
Life may ended but hopes never ended. 

Every person have the feelings, 
Every person have the demands, 
Every person have the ideas, 
Every person have the skills, 
Hearts may die but feelings can't die. 

Life is beautiful from actions, 
Life is beautiful from thoughts, 
Life is beautiful from mind, 
Life is beautiful from hearts, 
Actions may ended but resuls can't ended. 


When you have life

When you have life, 
You have everything, 
When you have love, 
People are yours, 
When you have patience, 
You will get the best. 

In this life you can do,
Whatever you want, 
From this life you can get, 
Whatever you want, 
When you have everything, 
Still everyone wants life. 

One day you will realize that
You have beautiful life, 
One day you will give value to the life, 
If you have life, you have time, 
If you have time, you have life. 


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Nothing is more important than your Happiness

       All is well but Nothing is more important than your Happiness, what touch your heart, what touches your mind. Thoughts are travelling in your mind, one goes other comes, sometimes we don't react and sometimes we react on others talk. Everything is ok, have we patience not to react. If we learn when we should react and when we should not to react, we can be happy. 

     Everything depends upon our mind, we are always hopeful for the best, but sometimes it happens that some trouble comes in our life. We can't judge everything and everytime.  We can make happy and peaceful environment around us. Everything started by us continued till end. Think positive and think different. What we do, sometimes it wonders us and we get that we had not thought. 

    If your mind is free, life is enjoyable. When the thoughts are much, worries are more. Less thoughts less worries and more thoughts more worries. Life is opportunity for happiness and for fulfil the dreams. In every small actions you can see the happiness. When you are happily doing the result are wonderful 


Look at yourself

Look at yourself, 
You are so beautiful, 
You are so smart, 
You are so talented, 
You have so many qualities, 
You have so many abilities, 
You have a lovely heart, 
You have beautiful smiles, 
No one is like you, 
God has made you special, 
God has created everything for you, 
You are confident, 
World is for you, 
You are for the world, 
The earth is for you, 
The sky is for you, 
The air is for you, 
Beautiful nature is for you, 
Your eyes are beautiful, 
That see the beauty, 
Your heart is beautiful, 
That have beautiful feelings, 
Your ears are beautiful, 
That listen beautiful sound, 
Your tongue is beautiful, 
That taste tasty food, 
Look at yourself ! 


Saturday, May 6, 2023

I am Okay

       I am okay👌 -  This is the wonderful word, that change myself and change my life. Sometimes I started to keep myself slience. No disturbance, no thinking, focus on natural sound. Just keep my mind free from everything. Beautiful moments of beautiful life. 

       It is a great time when we spend our time in happy moments. Happiness is our requirement, and we can create happiness in our surroundings. There is no problem in doing, everytime we do and do, sometimes succeed sometimes we fail. But we never keep ourselves weak. It is the real life that we live in this world. Sometimes we shall bring out some time for ourselves, for our own happiness. 

      Although we are doing all for others, are we doing something for ourselves, that lift up ourselves, improve our life and change our life style. Great thoughts makes our life great. We can learn from others, are we learn something from our experience. 

      We should to do all that can make life easy, our life and others life. We never think that it is difficult that we can't do. Everything is possible for a man, lot of examples that a person got topmost achievements. We the people are the part of world, and everyone have own world that is life and nothing is more important than life. 

    What you feel you are, and your beautiful feeling makes the life beautiful. I can't hate anyone, I can't harm anyone, I can hurt anyone, I have no egos, I can't think negative, I can't do bad for anyone, thease types of world change the life and change the world. 

    Every word have the powers and meanings. Sometimes words are moving in your mind, sometimes words coming out from our mouth. We should try to use good words that are helpful in living. 



Friday, May 5, 2023

When you are soulful

   Soul means integral part of God and  enlightened and carry all qualities of God, cared by nature. Soul is like a drop of water that is the part of ocean similarly soul is the part of God or you can say soul is God. Soul is superior and supreme in this world. Every soul has one body that physically present in this world.

   When you are soulful, you will be away from egos, selfishness, angar, negative thoughts. You will be full of love, peace, happiness and self confidance. When you realize yourself, realize your power and and feeling yourself soulful, your heart may be clean, great, your feelings will be fantastic and your heart will full of love, peace and happiness. The life will be amazing, the thoughts and actions will be for welfare. 

     The life will be enjoyable and your mind and body will be full of joy. In this life it is important to feel ourselves open mind and open heart and not remember the mistakes always but sometimes enjoy the every moment of our life and not carry our past but present in our present. 

    Where we are we should be happy, where we are we should be fully present. Small things, small thoughts and small actions are playing vital role in our life. If we have happy mood, our action will be great. A soul in a body, take care of the full body, gives power to every part of body for living in this world. 

   Our every breathing energine and purify our soul and body, so breathings are very important to live. Proper breathing, techniques may increase our age and make our mind and body healthy. If we inhale and exhale every breath long it will gives us power to our body. If you say that breaths are the powers that enters in your body you are not wrong. 

    First you know the importance of life, take care of yourself and make yourself happy. No one wants to die but everyone wants to live long in this world and if we want to live in this world, we should to make ourselves healthy. Every good thought is changing our life and gives us good life. We should to do all that makes our life beautiful. 

   We are learning so many things from this world but all are not applicable on us, some are good and some are bad. Sometimes we should to think that I am a soul that can't be destroyed , can't be die and not the body that will be die. Knowing of ourselves is important, knowing the power of our mind is important. If we say we are ok and fine, we are ok. If we complain that I am not ok, really we feel the problem. Manytimes our own thoughts makes us happy and everyone needs heathy and happy life. 


When you have positive mind

          When you have positive mind, the life seems to be easy, happy and beautiful. You can takle all the problems easily, when you have positive attitude and your thoughts are positive. Nothing seems impossible, and you will go ahead without looking any problem. Your hands are strong, your foot are strong, your mind and heart are strong when you start to take the things positively.  You will know the power of yourself, you will know the power of your mind and can get what you want to get in your life. 

            Just be happy, it is your life. What the people says about you, forget. Just focus on your mission, remember your target, and decide your aim. See, in the life there are lot of chances to fulfill your dreams. If you know your dreams, you can achieve them. If you have good habits, you have good life, if there is some bad habit, you can change it any time. It is your will that you can make anything possible. Just do and do and definitely you will get the results. 

         Everyday you will realize that you have a wonderful life and also you make it happy and beautiful. Your words are your power, think every words comes from you soul and your words are changing your life. Everything is with you, stemina with you, powers with only you have to know it, know yourself, and you will see the miracles as output. Sometimes listen the sound of the nature and sometimes listen the sound of your heart Or sound of your heartbeats, everytime get the power.  Powers in you, powers with you, many times you are increasing your power, many times you are utilising your power and sometimes you are wasting your power.  But it is great occasion that we have life and we are present in this world, we are hopeful for best, making the things best, making the life easy and making the life beautiful. 


मुश्किलें सब हट जाए

मुश्किलें सब हट जाए,  जिंदगी सब खुशियाँ पाए,  बदल जाए, किस्मत की लकीरें, मिट जाए, चिंता की लकीरें, आरजू सबकी पूरी हो जाए  l  सारा जहान,  जिस...