Saturday, October 29, 2022

Today I got a new day

Good morning๐Ÿฅฑ

Today I got a new day, 
Today I got new life, 
Today I feel blessed, 
Today I feel impressed, 
Today I got beautiful day. 

Today I am happy, 
Today I am relaxed, 
Today I am free, 
Today I am not worry, 
Today is my wonderful day. 

Today I am healthy, 
Today I am wealthy, 
Today I am receiving from God, 
Today I am receiving from nature, 
For today I am thankful. 


Who is making your life beautiful

Who is making your life beautiful, 
Definitely you, 
Who is creating your life, 
Definitely you, 
Who is destroying your life, 
Definitely you, 
No one is our friend like you, 
No one is our enemy like you, 
Who is running your life, 
Definitely you. 

If the mind is peaceful, 
Then life is beautiful, 
If we like peace,
Then the world is peaceful, 
Who is creating peace in the world, 
Definitely you. 

God have all powers and God had distributed His powers among His nature and creations, 
If you want more than request to God, 
And pray to God. 


Your words are your power

Your words are your power, 
Without words, what can be explained, 
The words come from soul, 
Every word is important, 
And every word carries feelings, 
So use words wisely, 
Specially when you are in the public. 

One word can change the life, 
One word can change the word, 
If you completely focus on the word, 
Some says word is God and God is word, 
What is the holy word, 
What are the good words and 
What are the bad words, 
Which words has meanings and
Which words has no meanings. 

You are talking in your own language, 
Birds are talking in their own language, 
Animals are talking in their own language, 
And the medium of talking are the words, 
Sound is the energy, either it is in you, 
It is out of you, it is in the nature, 
Or it is in the universe, 
Know the power of sound and power of silence. 


O my God, You are great

O my God, You are great,  I am thankful to you,  You had created this world,  You had created everyone,  O my God, You super power.  It is y...