Saturday, May 11, 2024

Good Morning Friends

Good Morning Friends, 
Wish you a Beautiful Sunday, 
Wish you a relaxed Sunday, 
Today is a holiday, 
Today is beautiful day, 
Forget everything today, 
Just enjoy today, 
Keep the mind cool today, 
Keep the happy mind today, 
Make a enjoyable Sunday. 

It is the day of enjoyment, 
It is the day of enlightenment, 
It is the day of hopes, 
It is the day of fun, 
It is the day of cheers, 
It is the day of happiness, 
Make is a memorable Sunday. 

Today no worries  
Today no hurries,
Today is picnic day, 
Today is happy day, 
Today is nature's day,  
Today no hard work, 
Today some special work, 
Today is the day of miracles, 
Make a wonderful Sunday. 

Thank you. 

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मुश्किलें सब हट जाए

मुश्किलें सब हट जाए,  जिंदगी सब खुशियाँ पाए,  बदल जाए, किस्मत की लकीरें, मिट जाए, चिंता की लकीरें, आरजू सबकी पूरी हो जाए  l  सारा जहान,  जिस...