Saturday, April 2, 2022

Beautiful, Life is beautiful

Beautiful, Life is beautiful, 

Beautiful, World is beautiful, 

Feel in your inner, 

See in your outer, 

Everyone and everything is beautiful. 

God has created everything and everyone beautiful,

God had created nature beautiful, 

Your mind is beautiful, 

Your heart is beautiful, 

Your body is beautiful, 

Your thoughts are beautiful, 

The universe is beautiful. 

Noone has right to destroy the beauty of nature, 

Noone should damge the beauty of world, 

If your your thoughts are beautiful, 

You will contribute to make the life more beautiful, 

Since your has eyes started to see the beauty, 

Now enjoy and live the life fully, 

What other talk forget, 

What you think and feel is the most important, 

Change your opinion about others, 

Change your opinion about life, 

See life near you is beautiful, 

Life with you is beautiful and

Life everywhere is beautiful since

Life is true, life is soulful, 

Life is amazing and life is wonderful. 

Great person are like you

 Great person are like you and like me, 

But they are great by their actions, 

What they dream, they make true, 

They can't stop themselves till their success, 

Their actions are for the welfare of the people, 

They think and do about their country and live for the love, peace and happiness in the world, 

All are their family, they think different and do different their mission of life is other's benifit, 

They can't think only about themselves but they think for all, 

They have the beautiful feelings for the people, 

They don't believe to win the battle but they win the hearts of the people, 

They care about the people and they care of the, therefore they are called great,

That's why great people are remembered by the people many and many yeats. 

If we can't think for the welfare of others

 If we can't think for the welfare of others then what is the benifit of our thinking, 

If we can't do for the  welfare of others then what is the benifit of our doing, 

If people are feeling unhappy because of ourselves then what is the benifit of our happiness, 

No one  should disturb anyone if they have no reason, 

No one should stop the path of anyone if he is going with his wish. 

Life can't be stopped, and you are trying to stop it, you are doing against nature. 

We should not try to disturb the nature and we should not try to change the nature of people, 

Thoughts are good for change and creation, but not good if they are negative or for destruction of for killing of the people, 

War is not the solution of any problem, war can't bring peace but your talks with each other can create peace and love in the world. 

मुझे किसी से कुछ भी गिला नही

मुझे किसी से कुछ भी गिला नही,  मुझे खुद से बहुत है शिकायतें,  मुझे जिंदगी से कुछ भी गिला नही,  मुझे नाकामियों से है शिकायतें,  जो मिल गया, व...