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How to make today beautiful

Make your day beautiful. 

           In this world, everyone wants happiness and healthy life, but due to busy life style, we forget to smile, forget to do some important routine activities that can make our day  beautiful. If we know the value of life, we will start to give the value to our life, since life is priceless. 

            Every person knows that how he can make himself / herself healthy and happy. Many Times we forget to follow the routines habits. If we add following activities in our day to day life, we can make our day beautiful:

1.    Wakeup early in the morning
2.    Drink one or two glass of warm water
3.    Going washroom
4.    Walking- strengthen your body &                     mind
5.    Start physical exercise, Yoga, Meditation         etc, Daily spend one hour on yourself for         physical body exercise
6.    Take Breakfast
7.    Going on Job / Work, love & enjoy                     what you do
8.    Take lunch
9.    Be happy, be positive
10.  Create happy environment around you

       This is a half day activity, if our morning is beautiful, our day will be automatically beautiful and if our day is beautiful our life will be beautiful. Life is not a burden, but it is a beautiful gift from God and nature. Everything depends on our thoughts, if we can keep our mind happy, we can make the life beautiful. 



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