Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I will do for your happiness

I will do for your happiness, it is very beautiful that can make others happy, however, it is difficult to make someone happy, but it you make someone happy, you will get yourself happy and satisfied. In fact all are doing for others, you are doing everything for your family without any   expectation, but doing continuously. Everyone is doing service for his/her family and earn money for fullfill domestic requirements. Everyone is doing for others, but not accepting the fact. 

You you say that I will do for you, then what is the problem, the concept is wonderful fir giving happiness to someone. If we leave our ego and live happily in this world, definitely we the life is at the wonderful stage. Just express your feelings, what is in your heart and what your mind thinks. Service is the best tool to clean your soul, if you are doing for others without expectations you can't fill yourself bad and you will feel that you are a God loving person. 

Let's make ourselves free to think, let's make ourselves free to do. No one should say that you will no do, but we should always ready for do something new and something that is good for others and ourselves. Never stop yourself to give helping hands to others, but always help those who need your help. 

Thank you. 

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हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा

हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है सबका,  तेरा सबसे है रिश्ता,  तेरा जग से है रिश्ता,  हे गोविंद, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है, सबका  l तेरा तो ...