Monday, April 22, 2024

Some good thoughts that will make your life beautiful

Some good thoughts that will make your life beautiful. 

1.      If your mind is clear, then your vision is clear, if your vision is clear, then your ways are clear, if your ways are clear then your mission is clear, if your mission is clear, you are successful. 

2.      Life is great for you, if you think  great, life is beautiful, if your thoughts are beautiful, if is wonderful, if you see the wonders around you. 

3.       Life can surprise you, if you have positivity, life will love you, if you love it. Never think that he is inferior, but think that all are the creation of one God and in everyone there is same soul, so love and respect yourself and others. 

4.      Never try to judge others since you don't know that what knowledge and power they have, but judge and examine yourself and improve yourself. 

5.      Everyday is beautiful and today is most beautiful day, enjoy it. In today, lots of hopes, lots of success, lots of happiness, lots of failures hides. It is upto you, what you will get today. 

Thank you. 

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हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा

हे ईश्वर, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है सबका,  तेरा सबसे है रिश्ता,  तेरा जग से है रिश्ता,  हे गोविंद, तू ही मेरा,  तू ही तो है, सबका  l तेरा तो ...