Sunday, June 9, 2024

I am doing nothing

I am doing nothing, 
Everything is done by nature, 
I am not initiating nothing, 
Everything is coming from the past, 
I am in the present, 
But I have also from the past, 
Everyone is going and coming, 
Everyone is from the past. 

What you are today, 
What you had done yesterday, 
Your past had bulid up you, 
Your thoughts and 
Work had made you, 
What you are doing today, 
You will become yestetday. 

Everyone has 
Connection of everything,
Everyone is 
Interconnected to this world, 
Your life is not of yourself, 
But it is for others, 
Since you are doing 
Everything for others, 
What you are making today, 
It will be used tomarrow. 

Thank you. 

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