Sunday, June 16, 2024

We don't know

We don't know, 
What others think about us, 
But we know, 
What we think about others, 
We can't change others, 
But we can change ourself, 
We don't know, 
What next moment 
Bring for us, 
But we know, 
What we have today. 

Servicing is the best, 
Caring is the best, 
Making is the best, 
Changing is the best, 
When we change something, 
We enter in a new world, 
When we creating something, 
We will create something new, 
We don't know, 
What others creating, 
But we know, 
What we are creating today. 

Every moment is a gift, 
Everyday is a gift, 
Every breath is a gift, 
Life is a gift, 
If our mind has Peace, 
We have everything, 
If our mind is disturbed, 
We have nothing, 
We don't know, 
What will be happen, 
But we know, 
What is happening. 

Thank you. 

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